Wednesday, November 26, 2008

WOW- 50/50 RAFFLE UPDATE & New Prizes

Ya know...I am definitely going to have to find a BIGGER BOX ...because YES, there are still MORE Prizes now added to the Gift Collection for the 50/50 Basket Raffle for NCA Health Challenge and a Lucky rescue.

So....lets get to the Money Thing FIRST....

I always had a PERSONAL GOAL in mind, maybe some think it's Pie-In-The-SKY but, hey....but as the late great Tennessee Ernie Ford was famous for singing..." High Hopes" ....and high hopes I do indeed have because as you all know...EVERYTHING GOES TO THE DOGS !

My Personal Goal is $ 1,000.00...which would mean a Nice $500.00 check each for NCA Health Challenge and a Lucky rescue and wouldn't those make a lovely Holiday Gift...especially when it seems that more and more Newfs and other dogs are losing their homes and families due to the Economic Crisis. Rescues will tell you that they haven't yet seen the full impact of this and Rescues, both Club sponsored and Independent , are often bursting at the seams and sad to say...sometimes there just " ain't no room at the Inn" and often this is due to lack of funding as well as lack of qualified foster homes.

So....hang on folks...I am going to do a LOT of cheering on til the end of this Raffle in the High Hopes of hitting that Goal and maybe even beyond.

Current status of the Pot...thanks to a big surge in entries is: $ 610.00 ...less the PayPal bite of $ 23.36...leaving a NET of $ 586.64,
which means we are just over 60% towards that Goal. And there are still TWO weeks to go.....

Now for the added prizes:

Back to the wonderfully generous box from Tara Mc Grath...a very nice collection of Newfie photo frames, decals and Note Cards...THANKS SO MUCH TO TARA, JOSIE AND BUFFY......

What does the Best Dressed Newfoundland wear ??? Of course...a custom ordered Drool Bib with the ultimate order: DROOL'S THE RULE. This Bib is in deep Red so suitable for any slobbery Boy or Girl Newfie. Susan Putt makes these bibs and she made this one with a button closure as well as the fabric covered elastic band.

Next week will be the last Prize addition and one is such a TREASURE that I am not even going to tell you what it is....just that it is UNIQUE and GREAT......

Remember: Raffle Entries close 10 December 2008 and the Drawing for the Prize Collection as well as the Rescue will be on 11 December and announced that evening !

Tickets are $ 2.00 each or a block of 6 for $ 10.00. Each block of tickets lets you nominate a Rescue for an additional Ticket to for the Rescue Check drawing. PayPal entries can be done at: and you can do credit and debit cards. In the comment block make sure you add the Name of the Rescue you'd like to nominate for the Prize check.

I will also take checks and money orders for entries but these need to be postmarked by 4 December 2008 to make it here in time for me to assign and e-mail you your Raffle ticket numbers. If coming close to that deadline, please e-mail me here ( ) and give me a head's up so I can get your ticket numbers assigned.

You'll need to make out TWO checks: one made payable to NCA Health Challenge and one payable to ______ rescue so I can fill in the name of the winning Rescue when drawn. These checks will be placed in a marked envelope and included along with the main Prize checks written as soon as the PayPal funds are transferred into the checking account ( 3-4 business days usual ) .

Address for checks:

Susan Aspeotes
25510 Rocky Mount Lane
Waynesville MO 65583

Currently there are 29 Tickets in the rescue Jar and they are assigned as follows:

North Central Newfoundland Club - 1 Newfoundland Club of New England - 3
NEWF-FLA - 2 Bear Mountain Newfoundland Club - 2
Southeastern Newfoundland Club - 3 Autumn Acres - 7
New-Pen-Del - 2 NCA Rescue - 2
Old West Newfoundland Club - 3 South Central Newfoundland Club - 1
Penn-Ohio Newfoundland Club - 1 Newf Rescue NWFD - 1
Newfoundland Club of Seattle - 1

OK....I did my Cheer last night and I am going to do it again ! We still have some "Orphans"...Clubs which have not yet been nominated for a chance to win half of the Pot. Some have an Organized Rescue Program and some do NOT. However, just because a Club does NOT actually have an Organized Rescue does NOT mean that Newfs in their territory have been abandoned. Far from it...they are still monitored, picked up and fostered by Club members which means these Clubs are just as worthy of a chance to win that Prize Check...often all it takes is a little "seed money" to get them going again.

Unsponsored Clubs are:

Colonial Newfoundland Club - Genesee Region Newfoundland Club

Columbia River Newfoundland Club - Heart of America Newfoundland Club

Mesquite Newfoundland Club - Newfoundland Club of Hawaii

Newfoundland Club of Northern California - Newfoundland Club of San Diego

Northland Newfoundland Club - Newfoundland Club of Southern California

Northstar Newfoundland Club - High Country Newfoundland Club

Pacific Northwest Newfoundland Club - Niagara Frontier Newfoundland Club

Great Lakes Newfoundland Club

I also want to add another Great lady...Chris Pulver ...she does a LOT of Independent Newfoundland Rescue...most out of her own in my humble opinion, she, too , deserves a chance for that Rescue Check !!!

That's a whole lot of NICE people dedicated to the Newfoundlands and I, for one, would not want to see these people not have a chance at that Prize check So, how 'bout it a block of tickets, take a chance to win some GREAT prizes and let's get these Clubs in the jar for a chance to win that check !!!!

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