Thursday, May 27, 2010

Doodlebug Winners

Many, many thanks to all of those who purchased tickets for this raffle for Allyson London ( Doodlebug ) Kistler.

Ally is doing so very well and will soon be starting more intensive therapy to help her meet her developmental milestones.

It's truly amazing how many strides forward have been made in the evaluation and treatment of children born with special needs such as Down Syndrome, as Ally was . Many of us remember, when we were growing up, that children with Down Syndrome were placed in institutions and never had the opportunity to learn and devlop to their fullest capacities.

How many of you remember the 1990'2 TV Series, " Life Goes On " ?. The one actor, Chris Burke, was also born with Down Syndrome and he became an inspiration to many parents of Downs Chris demonstrated each and every day that Downs people are capable of so much and have so much to give the world.

So, let me congratulate the winners ( yes, there were THREE ) of the prize packages made possible by the generosity of people and friends of Newf-L.

1) Larry Mesce

2) Elaine Bowling

3) Lynn Hirth

Elaine and Lynn both wrote back saying how THRILLED they were...they'd never won anything before in a raffle and because 100 % of the funds benefited Ally and her family. this made the win even more special.

Let's all keep Ally and her family in our prayers; I think this tiny baby girl was a future that is a bright and sunny as her name.

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