Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Good afternoon Friends,

For this installment of the Blog, I'd like to introduce you to a very pretty and extremely TALENTED singer/songwriter who just HAPPENS to be owned by a Newfoundland.

Sydney Stahl hails from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and has been singing semi-professionally for many years and is working her way up to the professional ranks.

This gorgeous redhead has been likened in appearance and music style to Wynonna Judd, favoring Country and Country/Pop.

Never far from her side is Sydney's 145 lb Newfoundland dog. Big ‘ol Murphy goes just about everywhere with Sydney and has developed a following of his own-

Here's some brief words from this VERY exciting girl whom I feel truly is RISING STAR....


I am really excited to share my latest song with the group. I wrote this song as a tribute to my wonderful love Sky, and my fabulous furball Murphy. Together they bring me so much joy. Both of them inspired the lyrics of the's about love, loyalty and trust.

Some of you might enjoy to know that Murphy travelled with me and was at my side during the writing, recording and production of this song.

A little funny story about that....we had done quite a few hours of vocal recordings one day, and were exhausted by the end of it.

We took a break to rest our ears and came back to the studio to listen again with fresh ears. My producer kept scowling and searching the sound files for a very faint noise that he didn't recognize. I listened in and couldn't figure out what it was either.

We checked cables and the mic, trying to figure out what the sound was, and then I began giggling.....Murphy who was in the studio the whole time with us began snoring, soundly asleep!

My producer spun around in his chair and looked like the light bulb had just gone off! The sound in the recording was my vocal mike picking up the faint snores of Murphy! After a good chuckle we got back to work and finished the song.

"Sydney James is an artist that has the goods to take her career to the next level"

I heard Sydney singing from outside, and I had to come in and know who that voice belonged to! Wow...what power!"

"Sydney James is a singer/songwriter who understands how to craft a song that grabs the listener's attention. Her emotionally delivered vocals and great song structures make you want to hear more from this budding new talent." Angela Kelman lead singer - Farmer's Daughter

Some terrific samples of Sydney's song talent ( I hope they are working links ) :

GO SYDNEY....... your Star is definitely rising.....

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