Saturday, January 7, 2012

My Perfect Saturday

We got up early because we were joining Ronnie, Sherry and our grandson Robert to go on a trip to Lake of the Ozarks for the Annual Eagle Days celebration. Ronnie had invited us last week and I was so hoping Ron and I would be able to go. I figured since the day was going to be nice, weather-wise, that we should take advantage

We got to Ronnie's and of course were met at the door by their dogs, Yogi & Bailey...

Ohohohohoh....Gramma's here...did she...did she...YESSSSSSS...she brought us COOKIES.... Bailey has only seen me twice but she sure remembered Christmas Day and the bag of treats that I brought to begin to make friends with she was right away looking for the cookies.

We got to the Lake shortly before dawn and saw some eagles but photo opportunities were not that after a few hours of watching and waiting, we went to breakfast and then to an Eagle Days presentation held at the local golf club by the Wild Bird Sanctuary from St Louis. They brought a Bald Eagle as well as some other birds with them and the presentation was very good and very educational.

The guys wanted to go to a gun shop and the one they went to had a great firearms museum as well as some taxidermy exhibits. I SCORED big time when I found a darling Labrador Retriever Wine Bottle Holder and Salt & Pepper Shaker holder and bought them both to donate to the Labrador Lifeline Heart Dog Auction coming next month. I also have a couple of T-shirts and a Fleece hoodie to donate as well as the usual M & Zee's Gift Certificates.

We soon had to go back but of course had to make a stop at the Petco store for some small purchases and we got home to some very happy, hungry dogs around 2:00 PM.

So...we missed the Newfs usual trip to Lowe's today...but this day for FAMILY TIME was much more important. Ron and I had a great time together.

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